At long last! We're live! Here's a nice shot of a few of the group on our first meeting after the clocks changed... we decided to sit in the 'other' spot in the nice sunshine.
Brenda was working on a sweater made with sari silk and a thin wool, to help keep the shape. Brenda always has something exciting in her bag!
Mary has been working the most adorable knit chicks! These are also selling like mad at the cafe. Awwwww, aren't they cute?
Annette has finished this curly scarf that she was making for her mum for Mother's Day, but we didn't get to see the finished article! She tells me that is was very curly though.
And I'm actually crocheting socks. Determined to make them look knitted they're actually worked around the foot rather than top to toe or vice versa. All single crochet into the back of the stitches (that's all slip stich for the americans).
More next week when we play 'What's in Brenda's bag?'
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