Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Well this time I had lots of goodies to show, including my cashmere swatches (need a larger hook), the hyperbolic sphere, and my finished shawl which I ended up finishing moebius strip style after seeing a pattern like this. I'd already done most of the shawl and it seemed a good way to finish it off (and save myself making more length).

Wendy worked on some crochet, just practising basic stitch. Mostly everyone carried on with projects. Annette's working on her jumper, as is Mary, and Brenda gave us a little modelling of her sari silk cardigan so far.

Mary and Brenda were very kind and sorted out winding my very messed up skein of the light cashmere, I have no idea what happened to it! So thanks!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hyperbolic Crochet!

Interrupting midweek because this site was mentioned on a crochet group and it's FANTASTIC! So now I combine crochet, physics and art. At long last. Haha! Look through the galleries, there's great images there and you can see the progression from a simple curved space to more complex structures - and of course tips on how often you need to increase to knit/crochet them.

Here's my very first one made this morning. I tied it to a little kilt pin so I could wear it for the day.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More from Brenda's bag! A baby blanket made with little rectangles and a crochetted edge - this was a surprise because she was making a completely different blanket recently... Now she's working on a cotton baby hat but I didn't get a picture. She did happily model Annette's finished curly scarf though! Annette started it with about 280 stitches cast on rather large needles and her mum asked her to cut it in half, so now she has 2 scarves.

Annette is making herself persevere with crochet. She's actually very good at it but worries about her edges not being even. Today she just knocked out a quick square of trebles. Easy peasy.

Mary carries on with the knit chick farming...the angora ones are in demand for Easter. But she picked up 6 balls of nice yellow mohair yarn at the charity shop for only 30p. Having just bought £36 of cashmere on eBay I'm very jealous.

Wendy missed a couple weeks but was back this week with a long-ways knit striped top. She's decided it might be too tricky to do the arms, etc, so is going to make it a tube top style with wide straps at the top.

I'm still plugging away at the crochetted socks and trying to write down the pattern as I make it. Cashmere arrived for the skull and crosses pattern in the 'Happy Hooker' crochet book so I'm very excited about starting that next! But must finish the socks first. And I'm getting tempted into trying some freeform by the UK Handknitters group.

Friday, April 07, 2006

At long last! We're live! Here's a nice shot of a few of the group on our first meeting after the clocks changed... we decided to sit in the 'other' spot in the nice sunshine.

Brenda was working on a sweater made with sari silk and a thin wool, to help keep the shape. Brenda always has something exciting in her bag!

Mary has been working the most adorable knit chicks! These are also selling like mad at the cafe. Awwwww, aren't they cute?

Annette has finished this curly scarf that she was making for her mum for Mother's Day, but we didn't get to see the finished article! She tells me that is was very curly though.

And I'm actually crocheting socks. Determined to make them look knitted they're actually worked around the foot rather than top to toe or vice versa. All single crochet into the back of the stitches (that's all slip stich for the americans).

More next week when we play 'What's in Brenda's bag?'